Lawyer: Ahmadian, Bijan
File Number: HE20220034
File Date: Dec 14, 2023

Order made: December 14, 2023 by Lindsay R. LeBlanc

Bijan Ahmadian

At a prehearing conference held on December 14, 2023 and on hearing Rajit Mittal, counsel for the Law Society and Gavin Cameron, counsel for the Respondent, the motions adjudicator orders that:
  1. The time estimate of the facts and determination hearing scheduled for January 15-26, 2024 for 10 days is hereby reduced to January 15-19, 2024 for 5 days;
  2. The facts and determination hearing will proceed virtually; and
  3. Lindsay R. LeBlanc is seized of all procedural matters until the earlier of January 15, 2024, or the commencement of the facts and determination hearing.