
Order of the Hearing Panel

Lawyer: Applicant 18
File Number: HE20230011
File Date: Dec 22, 2023
Order Made: December 22, 2023
Applicant 18

The panel has reached a decision with respect to the Applicant’s application for enrollment. The Panel’s decision, with reasons to follow, is:

Upon consideration of the facts and law presented at the hearing on December 4-5, 2023, the panel has concluded that Applicant 18 has demonstrated, on a balance of probabilities, that he is of good character and repute and fit to enroll in the articling program with the Law Society of British Columbia.
Applicant 18’s enrollment as an articling student will be subject to the following conditions, which must be incorporated into his articling agreement: 
  1. Applicant 18 must complete at least 6 hours of education/training on anti-bullying and harassment, including a component on trauma-informed practice, and
  2. The education/training program must be pre-approved by the Law Society of British Columbia’s Credentials Committee.