Lawyer: Gantzert, René Joan
File Number: HE20230013
File Date: Jan 11, 2024

Order made: January 11, 2024 by Herman Van Ommen, KC

René Joan Gantzert 

At a prehearing conference held on January 11, 2024 and on hearing Ilana Teicher, counsel for the Law Society, the motions adjudicator orders that:
  1. The prehearing conference scheduled for January 11, 2024 will proceed in the absence of the Respondent pursuant to Rule 5-5.1(5) of the Law Society Rules; 
  2. The hearing on the merits in this matter will proceed as a hearing in writing; 
  3. The written submissions of the Law Society shall be delivered to the hearing panel on or before March 25, 2024; 
  4. The written submissions of the Respondent shall be delivered to the hearing panel 2 weeks after the date on which the Law Society files their submissions; and 
  5. The Respondent is granted leave to apply for an extension to file their written submissions, should they require more time.