
Prehearing Order

Lawyer: Guo, Hong
File Number: HE20210026
File Date: Oct 26, 2023

Order made: October 26, 2024 by Michael Welsh, KC

Hong Guo

At a prehearing conference held on October 26, 2023 and on hearing Sahelia Sodhi, counsel for the Law Society and no-one appearing on behalf of the Respondent, the motions adjudicator orders that:

1. The prehearing conference will proceed in the absence of the Respondent and her counsel after standing down the prehearing until 9:15 am and unsuccessful attempts by the Tribunal to reach the Respondent and her counsel.
2. The facts and determination hearing is reset to January 24 to February 2, 2024 for eight (8) days.
3. The Law Society shall promptly inform the Tribunal if they can be available on January 23, 2024.
4. If the Law Society is available on January 23, 2024, that date will be substituted for the February 2, 2024 date due to the unavailability of the Law Society Benchers on February 2, 2024.
5. The new hearing dates remain peremptory on the Respondent.