Lawyer: Mills, Jeremy William David
File Number: HE20230010
File Date: Jan 11, 2024

Order made: January 11, 2024 by Herman Van Ommen, KC

Jeremy Mills

At a prehearing conference held on January 11, 2024 and on hearing Mandana Namazi, counsel for the Law Society and Richard Neary, counsel for the Respondent, the motions adjudicator orders that:
  1. Herman Van Ommen, KC is seized of all procedural matters until the hearing in writing has commenced; 
  2. The Law Society will prepare and deliver a draft version of the parties' Joint Submissions to the Respondent on or before January 26, 2024;
  3. The Respondent will review and provide any proposed revisions to the parties' Joint Submissions on or before February 9, 2024; and
  4. The parties will provide the following to the hearing panel on or before March 1, 2024: 
    1. A finalized version of the parties' Joint Submissions
    2. An agreed statement of facts
    3. An admission letter