
Prehearing Order

Lawyer: Pannu, Rohita
File Number: HE20230014
File Date: Feb 08, 2024

Order made:  February 8, 2024 by Gurminder Sandhu, KC

Rohita Pannu

At a prehearing conference held on February 8, 2024 and on hearing Marsha Down, counsel for the Law Society and Joven Narwal, KC, counsel for the Respondent, the motions adjudicator directed that:
1. The parties are to agree to hearing dates by February 29, 2024.
2. The Law Society is to serve the Notice to Admit on Respondent's counsel by March 28, 2024.
3. If the parties have not been able to agree on hearing dates a further prehearing conference will be held on April 11, 2024.