Lawyer: Schaefer, David Leslie
File Number: HE20220024
File Date: Jun 29, 2023

Order made: June 29, 2023 by Lindsay R. LeBlanc

David Leslie Schaefer 

At a comprehensive prehearing conference held on June 29, 2023 and on hearing Kathleen Bradley, counsel for the Law Society and Angela Boldt, counsel for the Respondent, the motions adjudicator orders that:
  1. Lindsay R. LeBlanc is seized of all procedural matters until the Facts and Determination hearing has commenced; 
  2. The Law Society will deliver the following to the Respondent on or before July 5, 2023:
    1. Any documents not previously disclosed that it intends to rely on at the Facts and Determination hearing; and
    2. Witness statements for CT and SD.
  3. The Respondent will deliver the following to the Law Society on or before July 11, 2023:
    1. Any documents not previously disclosed that it intends to rely on at the Facts and Determination hearing; and
    2. Witness statements for MS and BB.
  4. The parties will use their best efforts to enter into a document agreement no later than July 5, 2023.