Lawyer: Vining, Brett Robert
File Number: HE20220023
File Date: Jan 19, 2023

Order made: January 19, 2023 by Michael Welsh, KC

Brett Robert Vining

At a prehearing conference held on January 19, 2023 to discuss two preliminary matters and scheduling of the hearing date, and on hearing Mandana Namazi, counsel for the Law Society and Brett Vining, on his own behalf, the motions adjudicator: 

  1. Ordered, by consent, that the Respondent will not personally conduct the cross-examination of the witness RK and counsel will be appointed to conduct cross-examination, without cost to the Respondent, pursuant to Practice Direction 5.6.
  2. Ordered, by consent, that the Respondent have until 4 pm on January 27, 2023 to provide an amended Response to sections 53-62 of the NTA that he inadvertantly missed in his Response.
  3. A further prehearing is scheduled for February 9, 2023.